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2010年7月21日 星期三

巴西女將空翻擲界外球 足球小將技驚四座

世 界杯歷史第二號射手克洛澤的標志性動作就是進球後來個空翻,但這位叫莉亞的姑娘更牛,在17日巴西與瑞典的U20女足世界杯小組賽中,她表演了空翻擲界外 球的絕技,滿座皆驚。

相比傳統的長距離助跑後的手榴彈式界外球,前空翻可以更好發揮球員腰腹力量,並使扔出去的皮球球速更快落點更遠。目 前世界上擲界外球最遠的距離 為49.78米,大約為足球場半場的距離。今年1月,練體操出身的28歲英國體育教師丹尼・布魯克斯創造了這項新的世界紀錄。丹尼的經驗是,在擲球前先持 足球做一個翻轉動作,在這個過程中找到擲球最佳時機,只要角度和時間結合得好,空翻界外球可以扔出很遠。



澳洲性愛黨(The Australian Sex Party)

黨綱:我們認真看待性愛 (We're serious about sex)

澳洲性愛黨明成立 主攻政府網路淨化政策

澳洲一個打著「我們認真看待性愛」(We are serious about sex)口號的新政黨成立,這個新黨派希望能夠藉由政黨力量反制澳洲政府將推出網路淨化政策。

以性做口號的「澳洲性愛黨」(The Australian Sex Party)認為,全澳洲有400萬人接觸情色相關商品,他們有信心要在州和聯邦大選中贏得幾席應該不難。


澳洲政府上個月提案宣布,將強制要求網路服務業者加裝網路行為控管系統,以防止民眾接觸非法資訊,引發自由派和情色業者反彈,業者認為這將大幅影響網路情 色商機。

「澳洲性愛黨」召集人派坦(Fiona Patten)表示,如果網路淨化政策一旦施行,將會造成情色工業5年內關門大吉。



一個新的政黨在澳大利亞誕生了,並以「我們對性是認真的」為口號,那就是「SEX PARTY」。 約400萬澳大利亞人接觸色情內容,「性黨」(Australian Sex Party )表示,他們有真正的機會去贏得州和聯邦議會的席位。 該黨的政治綱領包括全國的性教育課程、簡化審查制度、廢除政府對網絡的過濾和支持同性戀婚姻。 該黨召集人Fiona Patten表示,網絡過濾將在五年內使澳洲的性行業無生意可做。

約400萬澳大利亞人接觸色情內容,「性黨」(Australian Sex Party )表示,他們有真正的機會去贏得州和聯邦議會的席位。


該黨召集人Fiona Patten表示,網絡過濾將在五年內使澳洲的性行業無生意可做。「網絡過濾是真正的倒退,事實上這遠比我們在30年前的審查要嚴格,」她說。

新黨將倡議一個全國的性教育課程,這在其他國家也在發展,Patten說。「總是有過多的對兒童性慾和兒童裸露的擔憂,我認為我們的首要措施應該是教 育。」


SEX sells, and the newly formed Australian Sex Party knows it.

That's why, even with what seem to be sensible policies rooted in a desire to make sexuality and discussions about it less touchy subjects, the party has chosen a name that stands out from the traditional ballot paper line-up.

The party, with the slogan "we're serious about sex", launches at Melbourne Sexpo on November 20th and party convenor Fiona Patten is confident it will gain the 500 members required to register and contest state Upper House and Senate seats.

Ms Patten, who is also the chief executive of the Eros Association - representing the adult retail and entertainment industry, said she and others were concerned about the Government's proposed internet filter, which is being tested over summer on about 10,000 sites to block "unwanted content".

"This really came out of 20 years of lobbying on sex and censorship and then... the latest being the compulsory internet filter, which will ... prohibit and blacklist adult material that is currently legal in magazines, books and film," she said.

"When we started talking about the Australian Sex Party, we realised that sex is a lot broader than just censorship and a lot of the policies are a lot broader."

Also on the party's list of policies, to be announced at the launch, is a national sex education school curriculum.

"With the internet and the fear that children are being sexualised at an early age, the first key action on that will be sex education," Ms Patten said.

"Other countries such as the UK are introducing a national curriculum and we think we should follow that."

The party would also look to overturn rules under which overseas aid was not given to health clinics that were pro-choice, she said.

The party's provocative and potentially alienating name was a decision the group wrestled with, Ms Patten said.

"We felt that - sex in a crowded room - now we've got your attention. It's half the problem with politicians, because they still giggle when they say the word sex, and that's why we have such idiotic policies at state and federal levels," she said.

"Let's try and own that word on most government forms."

Ms Patten said there had already been a lot of interest from potential members.

"We'll probably have our 500 members by the time we launch on Thursday. But there's four million customers of adult shops in Australia."

She also hoped the 1000 or so adult shops around the country would become Sex Party branches.

"Hopefully we'll get their attention with the word but then we may be able to help influence some reasonably sensible policies."

http://www.en8848.com........... ... yu/97/n-116697.html

http://www.mml.com.tw/block/foru ... ;t=118145&f=234

[ 本帖最後由 Sadako 於 2008-11-29 06:56 編輯 ]

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2010年7月5日 星期一




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